Pressing "I" will let you view your equipped tool.(Will adjust in the future when armor is added) The Adventurer's level should increase gear quality by 2 every level.Removed sword orders from "Farmers" customer group.Changed and added dagger orders to the "Workers" customer group.New text notifications when you level up and unlock stuff.Customers will have difference reactions and dialogue based on your reputation.Made changes with placing moveable objects.Wood workbench displays available items without needing to place a plank or log.Training in Strength, Agility and Metallurgy skills can now be done by visiting Mohammed in Northelm.(Also pave way to other interactions that won't work with old system) Hoping to condense and simplify interactions. Transitioned several left click interactions to "E" instead.Any pickaxe can mine any ore now, so long as you have enough durability, otherwise, it will break.Mining ore no longer requires you to have the right pickaxe but instead will require you to have the skill unlocked.Players will lose quality every time they repair a broken tool.

(Will continue to tweak based on feedback)

Fix to items also not being removed from list after physically removing them.Fix to Leather Merchant not resetting prices when items are readded to buy list.Fix overlapping leather armour buy/sell buttons.Coins in the loot chest should work now.

Equipping a tool that has a crystal is visible again.Coal or carbon mining should work again.Unlocking metallurgy skills will now work with coal and carbon.The map that spawns in the player home no longer respawns whenever you save and load back in.Mining helmet model changed to the new mining helmet when receiving reward from Agar.Removed help text - anvil shift + left click to start minigame.Pop up buttons when trying to pick up/consume consumables, should be working properly.Increased durability of starting tools.